Joint Pains in the Spine The Chiropractic Subluxation

The spinal is a masterpiece of design.

It supports the body, allows a great deal of movement and also houses and protects the spinal chord and the nerves coming out from it. The hustle and bustle of modern life, coupled with prolonged sitting, driving or staring at computers, can put undue strain on the tiny joints between the bones of the spine. It does not need physical trauma to cause a disruption in the normal movement between vertebrae. Often a stretch or a short walk can restore normal movement and all is fine. When one or more joints get stuck, the muscles become tight to protect them, pain can result. Chiropractors call these ‘subluxations’, meaning a joint that has lost its normal function, whether in its normal range or at the full extent of its range, but less than a dislocation.

Your chiropractor can detect these subluxations and correct them with an adjustment. The sooner a subluxation can be corrected, the better. If left too long it can cause problems elsewhere in the spine and even the body itself.

Joint Pains in the Spine The Chiropractic Subluxation